Living Your Best Life

Blog by Beth Montpas, Life Coach

☕️If we were having coffee today…☕️

Hello there!


SURRENDER is my word of the year. 2019 was a doozy – aren’t they all? As I look back I realize that I worked on myself, my business, my health, many of my relationships – especially with my 17 year old Samuel who is the only one who still lives at home…and I’m wiped from all the trying, striving, push and oomph!

As I surrender into 2020, I have found that I don’t have to be responsible for other people’s feelings or their success.

Go back and read that sentence above again. I dare you to read it out loud. Let this truth allow your shoulders to rest and your mind to slow down.

I know I can LET GO and let God. I get to UNHOOK from praise or criticism. Every time I’m tempted to really “get after it” I ask myself, what if I just took a deep breath and let…Things…Be. For my whole life (living as a vibrant, on the move Enneagram 3, you know!) I have achieved and produced and got shit done! I’m ready to be the girl who is known for chilling out sometimes, funning things up (is that a word?) and is not so tightly wound. I get to rest in the fact, I am enough. I AM SURRENDER!

What’s your focus this year?? Are you a word or theme of the year kind of gal? Hit reply and tell me what’s on your mind for 2020!



P.S. I am preparing and getting PUMPED for our next Inner Circle to begin this spring! Gosh, seriously one of my favvvooorite parts of my job. Being with incredible women like you. Want details on how to join a group? I am so inspired by this community. We’d love to have YOU (yes, you, my friend) join us on this adventure. Follow this link to tell me why you’re ready to join a new circle of connections!

Beth Montpas, Life Coach

Beth is a warm, energetic, loving woman with connection as her highest value. Life does not always go as planned yet Beth has a depth of resilient experience and an incurable passion for joy and shares it generously. She motivates and inspires others to bounce forward in their life or business and energize their dreams.

As a Certified Coach, Trainer and Speaker, with an entrepreneurial spirit, Beth leads inspiring workshops, keynote speak and creates raw, real and authentic private and small group coaching programs. Beth will aid others in personal and professional growth through retreats and online/ virtual gatherings to ignite your life. Working together, this coach will spark you to navigate inevitable change that comes with living your life FULL OUT!